Get Involved|Advocate|Voting Rights and Voter Information
Voting enables participation in democracy by putting action behind our shared values. We choose our representation and direct funds to priority resources. More votes mean stronger voices and greater attention to important issues. Learn more about how to get involved and vote below.
You can register to vote online or by mail until 8 days before an election or in-person through Election Day. If registering by mail, all forms need to be received by the 8-day deadline.
July 14 | 18-day voting period for August Primary Election begins. July 24 | Last day to register (online or by mail) to vote in the primary. August 1 | Primary Election Day October 20 | 18-day voting period for November General Election begins. October 30 | Last day to register (online or by mail) to vote in the general election. November 7 | Last day to register to vote in-person. Ballots must be returned by 8PM via ballot drop box.
Please contact if you’re interested in voter engagement outreach!
Order print voter registration forms or print forms in multiple languages on the Secretary of State website.
Download Northwest Harvest’s Volunteer Voter Engagement Guide.
You can also watch our training video on voter engagement!