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Food is Renewal: Marisol Ortega

Tattooed smiling Marisol in sleeveless dress against tile wallMarisol Ortega

Artist Bio:

Marisol Ortega (@marisol.ortega) is a first-generation Mexican-American designer, illustrator, and letterer living and working in Seattle, Washington. She is best known for her vibrant flora and fauna illustrations that play with texture, linework, bold color palettes, and organic shapes—reflecting an exploration of her cultures. She pulls inspiration from childhood memories of visiting her abuela’s home in Michoacán, Mexico.

food is renewal graphic by Marisol Ortega

Artist Statement:

My piece for Food is Renewal is about the regeneration and rebirth of food, being a steward of our lands and taking care of our community through food.

An example of this is the elements depicted, all drawn from my personal experience of growing up Mexican and visiting my family in Michoacán. I come from a long line of farmers, growing and eating everything in season—what grows together, goes together. My interpretation of the sun takes the form of a sunflower, alongside a monarch butterfly, tamarind fruit, flor de calabaza, sapote negro, maíz, anise, and other botanicals. I like the idea of this feeling like a movement from the ground to the sky, a sense of growth through food—like a tight hug.

Renewal is not just about the growth of our food but also about the importance of tending to our earth, which in turn is an act of caring for our communities. We thrive when we help each other, especially at a time when not everyone has access to food. I truly believe that food justice starts with recognizing our symbiotic relationship with the land, tending and caring for nourishment, and ensuring that food doesn’t go to waste. It’s about being resourceful and taking only what we need.

Marisol’s Food is Renewal story:

#ArtistsForFoodJusticeTwelve Washington artists from Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) communities and marginalized identities interpret our monthly Meaning of Food themes through original digital artwork, premiering on the first day of each month. Learn more about this series and the artists here.