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The Chill in the Air

A message from Chief Executive Officer Thomas Reynolds  The chill in the air The significantly shortened days The seasonal redecoration of the...

Take Action: Two Actions to Protect Essential Programs

Continue to keep the pressure on your Member of Congress to reject harmful cuts to SNAP and other essential programs in a federal budget

2018 Farm Bill Rollout

Prepare for the 2018 Farm Bill rollout in Congress and continue to protect SNAP 

Community Alliance for Global Justice

Support the work of the Community Alliance for Global Justice

Indigenous Food Sovereignty

Learn about what the Muckleshoot Tribe is doing for Indigenous Food Sovereignty

Mobilize Political Power

Mobilize political power to reform our food system

Protect Farmworkers’ Rights

Protect Farmworkers’ Rights by learning about the Pesticide Drift Bill

International Day for the Eradication of Poverty

Today is International Day for the Eradication of Poverty!

World Food Day

Today is World Food Day!

International Day for Rural Women

Today is International Day for Rural Women!