News & Insights|Legislative Updates
Legislative Updates
What has the Northwest Harvest Advocacy team been up to in Olympia this week A few quick updates: This week marked a significant milestone in the...
What has the Northwest Harvest Advocacy team been up to in Olympia this week A few quick updates: HB 1784 (emergency hunger relief bill) was...
What has the Northwest Harvest Advocacy team been up to in Olympia this week A few quick updates: Hunger Action Day, an annual lobbying day for...
What has the Northwest Harvest Advocacy team been up to in Olympia this week A few quick updates: HB 1238 (free school meals) was scheduled for a...
What has the Northwest Harvest Advocacy team been up to in Olympia this week A few quick updates: Both of the free school meal bills had hearings...
What has the Northwest Harvest Advocacy team been up to in Olympia this week A few quick updates: Both of the free school meal bills have...
It’s official – welcome to the 2023 legislative session! What has the Northwest Harvest Advocacy team been up to in Olympia this week ...
During the 2023 legislative session our Advocacy Team will be supporting: Healthy School Meals for All – HB 1238 / SB 5339 Children need...
Now is the time for us to weigh in with Congress, urging action and calling on our representatives to address the root causes of hunger: poverty and...
Thanks to Superintendent Reykdal, Representative Riccelli, and Senator Nobles for announcing their plan to introduce statewide universal school meals...