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Legislative Updates

The Better Farm Bill for Washington

The Senate Agriculture Committee's bipartisan Farm Bill stands in stark contrast to the harsh and unworkable House version Our Congressional...

Victory… For Now

Today, the House voted down a Farm Bill that would take food off the tables for more than 1 million households nationwide The fight isn't over:...

Don’t Ease Up Yet! #SNAPback at Congress–Vote NO on House Farm Bill

A House vote on HR 2, a Farm Bill that takes food from working families with children, may be as soon as this Thursday Keep up the momentum–call...

Don’t Let Them Take Food from Hungry Families – Farm Bill Update

Your Congressional member will be back in district next week Weigh in with them to urge a no vote on a Farm Bill that puts families with children at...

Tell Congress #HandsOffSNAP in Farm Bill

The House Republican Farm Bill poses a serious threat to working families with children and underemployed individuals Don't let them take food away...

The Facts About SNAP and Work

USDA is considering changing rules that impact services and eligibility requirements for certain unemployed adults on SNAP Your comments are needed...

You Did It! Breakfast After the Bell is Now Law!

For the first time in several years, the legislative session has ended on time There is much to celebrate as lawmakers passed a supplemental budget...

SNAP to It! Calls to Action on State & Federal Budgets

Budgets should reflect community values and priorities Last week's state budget proposals offer some remarkable efforts to reduce hunger and poverty...

President’s Budget Slashes Food for Struggling Seniors and Families

Great news from Olympia as we are seeing tremendous progress on our primary and support agendas! But Washington's successes can be severely...

Will We See You For Hunger Action Day?

We're looking forward to seeing many of you on Monday for Hunger Action Day! As we approach the halfway point of the 2018 legislative session, here's...