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Don’t Ease Up Yet! #SNAPback at Congress–Vote NO on House Farm Bill

The latest news from the other Washington is that House leadership wants to put H.R. 2 to a floor vote this Thursday. H.R. 2 is a partisan Farm Bill that passed out of committee along strict party lines and threatens to take food off the tables of more than 2 million individuals nationwide.

SNAP helps low-income individuals buy food from grocery stores, farmers markets, and farm stands. SNAP is critical, providing nutritious food for working poor individuals and families with children, low-income seniors, people with disabilities, and veterans. Every category of people who rely on SNAP will be impacted by harmful policy changes that threaten to cut and even eliminate monthly benefits. Without SNAP, children won’t have the food they need to focus on learning; adults won’t be healthy to find or keep a job; our seniors may suffer nutritional setbacks, threatening their abilities to live independently.

Our Congressional Representatives must hear our message: Washington state already runs a highly effective and efficient SNAP program and is recognized nationally as a leader for our payment accuracy, our innovations in increasing the purchasing power of SNAP to buy fruits and vegetables, and our SNAP employment and training program that is successfully moving people out of poverty. But H.R. 2 would be a disaster for Washington’s SNAP program. It takes away the flexibilities our state has used proactively to help more low-income get the SNAP benefits for which they are eligible and would create giant bureaucracies to carry out new and burdensome administrative requirements.

Tell our Congressional delegation that Washington and all states deserve a better, bipartisan Farm Bill. Reject H.R. 2!