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Don’t Wait Any Longer! USDA Reopens SNAP Rule Comment Period

Did you file your public comment, opposing USDA’s proposed rule that threatens to take food off the tables of 755,000 Americans? Well if you missed last week’s deadline, fear not-you have a second chance to take action but must do so quickly! Due to technical difficulties with the federal regulations website, USDA has temporarily reopened the comment period, starting today and ending at 8:59p.m. Pacific time this Wednesday, April 10, 2019.

The proposed rule takes away states’ flexibility to protect vulnerable, underemployed people from time-limited SNAP, even in areas of high unemployment. According to a letter issued by Gov. Jay Inslee, 91,000 Washingtonians are at risk of increased hunger from this proposed rule.

Comments are needed, both to delay issuance of a final rule as USDA must review every unique comment and help build a legal challenge to this harmful proposal. You don’t have to be a policy expert to voice your opposition. Model comment letters are available but you must personalize them to be included in USDA’s review. Personalization can include:

  • A detailed description of your organization or your individual interest and expertise in anti-hunger issues.
  • Personal stories from your program’s participants or your own experience with using SNAP, food assistance, or difficulty finding a good-paying job.
  • The unemployment rate and the kinds of jobs available in your community.

Join Northwest Harvest and more than 86,000 individuals and organizations to submit your comment today.