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Partner Highlight: Cusick Food Bank

Our FAN (Food Access Network) team regularly travels across the state to visit with the incredible community partners doing the work to end hunger in Washington. And we’re excited to share their inspiring stories and highlight what’s happening behind the scenes!

Joyce and Gary Beach pose next to Northwest Harvest's Allocation Specialist Meg at the Cusick Food Pantry
Cusick Food Pantry: Joyce and Gary Beach with Meg V., Northwest Harvest’s Allocation Specialist
In the town of Cusick, WA, population of 159 with the nearest grocery store 20 miles away (roundtrip), the Cusick Food Pantry provides food and support services for those experiencing food insecurity. Our Food Action Network (FAN) team spent time with Joyce and Gary Beach, volunteers who run the food pantry. With donations down by 75% and shoppers up by 200%, Joyce works hard to address the area’s hunger crisis, including researching and applying for grants, helping shoppers register for resources like SNAP, and fundraising for the food pantry. Last year, thanks to Joyce’s hard work, the food pantry raised $13,000, which was used to supplement food donations and cover operating expenses.
Help Joyce and Gary address hunger in Cusick by volunteering or donating to the Cusick Food Pantry. For more info, visit