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Tax Bill Passes. What’s Next?

Earlier this week, House and Senate Republicans passed their tax bill. A gift for the wealthiest individuals and corporations, the tax cuts in this bill are reckless, raising our deficit by $1.5 trillion dollars and as a result, costing our country revenue for programs that benefit the rest of us.

It is with heartfelt thanks and pride in all of you who took a moment during this busy time of year to make phone calls, send post card messages and emails to your Congressional representatives to speak out against this bill.

We share your disappointment that our efforts could not overcome the partisan determination to pass this bill. Disappointment may turn into outrage when we consider what the tax cuts will look like in Washington state. According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, the tax bill has these implications for Washington:

  • Most of the tax cuts will benefit households that make $846,390 or more, with an average tax cut of nearly $8,000 each.
  • 1.1 million Washingtonians will see a tax increase of about $95 per year.
  • 179,000 Washington kids living in working families will receive a Child Care Tax credit of $75 or less when the  median monthly cost for infant care in Washington state in 2016 was over $1000/month.

The long lines of people at food bank doors are a moving reminder of what’s at stake: these tax cuts will justify efforts to cut essential needs programs, including SNAP, housing assistance, school meals, Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, and TANF. Cuts to these programs will hurt all of us: our neighbors in need will have even less resources to cover their necessities. The resulting impact on their health will be felt in our communities when children grow up in crisis, unable to concentrate on learning and when adults are sick and unable to find or keep work.

Let’s redirect our anger and disappointment into action. Rest up and recharge so that we’re ready to turn up the volume on our efforts to prevent these cuts from becoming a reality. We may have to live with this tax bill, but we will not let them shred our safety net. Onwards!