Our Work|Public Policy|Our Legislative Priorities|Farm Bill
The Farm Bill is a package of legislation that needs to be renewed every five years and authorizes the federal food and agriculture programs that determine the health and resiliency of our food systems. The Farm Bill dictates how food is grown, what kinds of food we produce, and how accessible that food will be to low-income families.
Title 4, or the Nutrition Title of the Farm Bill, includes the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, Basic Food, formerly “food stamps”). SNAP is our nation’s first line of defense against hunger, which helps people buy food from retailers, grocers, and farmers markets, stimulating the local economy.
Washington State is home to the broadest statewide investment made by USDA through the Gus Schumacher Nutrition Incentive Program (GUSNIP) to support SNAP match programs that incentivizes the purchase of fruits and vegetables by increasing the purchasing power of SNAP.
Even amid agricultural abundance, hunger and food insecurity stubbornly persist right here in our state: 1 in 12 households in Washington struggle with hunger & food insecurity. Moreover, 1 in 6 WA kids live in a household that faces challenges in putting enough food on the table. While SNAP helps approximately 870,000 people in WA, we know that it can help even more.
The 2023 Farm Bill is our opportunity to think foremost of the needs of people experiencing hunger—especially the most marginalized communities—to build a stronger, healthier food system for all.
Northwest Harvest’s priorities for SNAP are co-created with people who experience hunger and use SNAP benefits. Our main areas of focus are: